In Term 1 of Year 10, Ethan studied the topic of "Still Life Vanitas". This topic can date all the way back to the 17th century. The term "Vanitas" is defined as, "a symbolic work of art showing the transience of life, the futility of pleasure, and the certainty of death, often contrasting symbols of wealth and symbols of ephemerality and death." Ethan had did several works based around this topic, each with a different theme. The first 6 photographs are from a traditional still life display that had been set up containing objects around the time of the 17th century. There are also a few compositions that had been edited on Photoshop. There are also works form when Ethan took photos of the composition that the class had created themselves with items of meaning. Those photos had also been edited in Photoshop as well. The last photos are of a still life composition set up at Ethan's home containing objects that relates to family members of his own with meanings behind them.