In Term 4 of the year, the class were studying and looking at reflective surfaces. They started by looking at using normal mirrors for their photographs. The two photographs on the left were some examples of this.
The mirrors were used to convey a meaning, the meaning here being that we all want something good to happen to us, but we can only dream of it, or only vision it rather than actually have it. For instance on the left, the mirror shows a bright beautiful clear blue sky, but surrounding it is a dark, messy and not nice to look at. This is representing people and how they might reflect on themselves.
The photo on the bottom left is showing a table with trees in the mirror. The meaning behind this is wanting something back we already got rid of. In this case, we are needing trees in the world because too many of them are being cleared and used up, so the mirror is symbolizing that despite how much we try, getting something back is a difficult task.
The photographs on the right are works inspired by Laura Williams. She made photographs which it shows the subject holding a mirror and it appears to go through them to the landscape behind them. The photos on the right show a progressing day, getting darker every single time.
The subject is also shown to get a bit more tired and uninterested every time, and it's meant to be him going through his day getting more tired. But the mirror is meant to show that he's feeling empty, and that he isn't sure of who he is or what's his purpose is, and what he's actually tired of is not knowing those things. The area around him and not having anybody there is to also add emphasis to him feeling empty, as he feels there no one there to comfort him and make him feel included.