In Term 3, the students have been studying filming. They have been taking a look at different techniques, artists, angles and how to put a video together. The students were tasked during term 3 to create a music video. This had to be a 2-3 minute video, with a song, that has a narrative/story that goes with the songs, and it has to explore different techniques and angles in it. For this film, Ethan chose to do the song, "Wonderwall" by Oasis. For Ethan's story, he chose to give a romance vibe/aesthetic. The film is about to best friends, played by two friends of Ethan, who both like each other, and then discover that they both have feelings for each other. The film was done over the first 6 weeks of the term. The first 3 weeks were spent creating the video. This included choosing a song, creating a story, and then story boarding the full film. The next 3 weeks were spent filming. The first week was spent doing scenes with just the female parts. The second was all the scenes at school, and the third was the scenes with both people and just the male scenes. Once all of the filming was down, it was time to edit. This took several hours of uploading, cutting footage, adding transitions, music, and making sure the film ran smoothly. By the 7th week, the film was completed and ready to be viewed by people.